Online Learning

In an online course you work on assignments at home (or wherever you have access to a computer with an Internet connection). Instead of listening to lectures or participating in class discussions face-to-face, you will view most of the course content online. Discussions with the teacher and class members will occur on the discussion board and through e-mail.


Canvas - an online course management system - is utilized to organize course components, such as announcements, discussions, assignments, quizzes, e-mail, and grades. You will be responsible for reading the textbook and other assigned readings, as well as completing all class learning activities. You must be an independent learner to succeed in this class. However, help is always available by phone, the Canvas discussion board, e-mail, or in person with the instructor.


Each week you will have a number of assignments to complete. Please refer to the schedule in Canvas regularly. Click on the 'Assignments' link in your Canvas classroom for instructions, resources, and due dates.


You mean I don't have to come to class?


That's right! You can set your own "class" hours.


What do I need in order to succeed in this online course? 

  • Access to a computer with an Internet connection.
  • The textbook.
  • You must be an independent learner, able to work without face-to-face contact with the instructor and your fellow students.
  • Ability to use Microsoft Word.
  • Some experience with the Internet, as well as your operating system. Can you troubleshoot problems? Could you e-mail me a URL or a file?
  • Good reading and writing skills
  • Time! You will need to schedule 5-6 hours a week (for 8 weeks) to work on this course.

Course Management and Communication

  • Throughout the course you will be using Canvas to complete your work. Plan to check it several times a week.
  • Occasionally, I will try to contact you by email or phone. You will need to e-mail me your contact information during the online orientation. Please let me know if your email address or phone number changes.
  • Click on the 'Assignments' link in Canvas to locate assignments and due dates.
  • You will submit all of your assignments through the upload feature in your Canvas account. To submit an assignment, click on the 'Assignments' button. Then click on the correct week. There you will find links to all of your assignments. After your complete an assignment, you will see a set of instructions on how to upload your work. You can expect a grade on Canvas within a week of the due date (this is confidential). Note: you must work through your learning activities, assignments, and quizzes in the order they are presented.
  • Quizzes will be offered in Canvas, and you will have a week to complete them. Once you have logged in to Canvas, click on the 'Assignments' link. You will find quizzes listed with your other assignments. Most of the time you will receive immediate feedback after taking a quiz. Your score should be posted as soon as you submit it.
  • Quizzes may be repeated once if you aren't satisfied with your results. The final exam may not be repeated.
  • You will be responsible for a weekly assignment on the discussion board. To view this assignment, click on the 'Assignments' button. Then click on the correct week.
  • Post most questions and comments on the Canvas discussion board. If you ask me a question, you should get an response by the next business day. You can always e-mail me or a fellow student if your question is personal. If you do e-mail me, please put


    LIR 110


    in the subject heading, as I receive a lot of spam and will be less likely to delete your message accidentally. You may also make an appointment to meet with me in person. See the instructor website for contact information.

Tips for Online Students

  • Keep up with the class. The biggest problem online students face is they gradually fall behind.
  • Schedule at least 5-6 hours a week to focus on this class.
  • Schedule an appointment to meet with the instructor in person, if necessary.
  • Log in to the class several times a week.
  • Have a back-up plan in case your technology fails.

There's even more information about Online Learning at Cuyamaca College!


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